Ways to Give
You can make a difference!
Donations to the Peoria Education Foundation are tax-deductible. Contributions can be made to the Foundation in several ways:- Click here to donate online securely
- Gifts of cash, checks, or securities
- In-kind donations such as equipment, printing, etc
- Volunteer time to assist with fundraising events/projects or student activities
- Planned giving
- Memorial donations honoring a deceased family member or friend
- Honor donations to living friends, educators, colleagues, and family members
- Will bequests
The Peoria Education Foundation is proud to partner with the Alliance of Nonprofits and Arizona Grantmakers Forum to participate in Arizona Gives. Donors can give through the Peoria Education Foundation profile on the Arizona Gives Day website at www.azgives.org/peoriaedfoundation. These donations help provide college scholarships to students and grants to teachers for innovative classrooms programs.
Make a monthly donation to join our Whoo Cares Club and help us impact more students and teachers across the west valley.
When making a donation online, simply select Monthly Recurring Donation in the donation fields box. Click here to make your secure, recurring, monthly donation.
Giving just $10 per month will enter you in the Whoo Cares Club and provide a portion of funding to support one of our Community Service Scholarships. Learn more about the Community Service Scholarships here. For your donation, you'll receive an exclusive invitation to our Spring Scholarships & Grants Reception where you'll have an opportunity to see first hand the student who was impacted by your gift.
Giving $25 per month will enter you in the Whoo Cares Club and provide a portion of funding to support one of our teachers with much-needed funding for a classroom project. For your donation, you'll also receive an exlucsive invitiaton to our Spring Scholarships & Grants Reception where you'll have an opportunity to see first hand the teacher who was impacted by your gift. In addition, you'll receive recognition on our website as a Whoo Cares Club contributor.